16 June 2010

Hearth and Heart

"Oh, it looks so homey!" I have thrilled as this exclamation has crossed the lips of one house guest after another during the past week. I expended a brain cell or two (and a calorie or two) inventing a way to make all of my books and shelves fit in one room with my dad's old record player (which I adore), a cedar chest, two rocking chairs, and all the furnishings already present in my new apartment. The kitchen provided the same sort of dilemma, but with the exercise of some creative juices -- and a couple of very amusing failed attempts -- I arrived at a pragmatic and aesthetic solution. And to have my student apartment called "homey" surpasses my wildest expectations. It is rather a nice environment to live in, too.

I suppose now would be a great time to post some pictures of said rooms, but I know better than that. You see, I'm also a fond lover of company, so if you'd really like to discover what my homey habitation looks like, you'll simply have to come visit. Isn't that just awful?

I've also taken up my work with children with autistic spectrum disorders once again, and I couldn't be happier. I talk and think and dream about those children....They've intertwined themselves inti the fabric of my existence, making it much more bright and beautiful for their presence. Days with them can be long and hard, but each one is full of moments that make all the difference, and I think maybe I only feel truly alive in their precious company. I can hardly believe I'm lucky enough to be able to work with them again!

So though my days don't go by quickly, but they move at a cadence which expresses peace and poignancy, and allows for deeper dimensions of reality to fill the senses.

26 May 2010

Strung Out...Time for a Song!

Ughh! I'm so frustrated! (Yes, that is me venting.) For about the past year I have repeatedly attempted to get somewhere in my life...and have ended up moving 4 times, losing 2 organs, withdrawing from 1 school, and simply feeling thwarted time after time. I never run out of things I really want to do, and I love working hard, so illness is particularly difficult for me to deal with. When I got pneumonia about a week ago, it just felt like the last straw. When my body simply won't collaborate with my mind, I start feeling a little annoyed. How can I be sick again!?!?! Oh well, it won't last long.

I'll bet that in a few years I'll look back and laugh at my own impatience. I bet I'll feel grateful to have conquered this challenge and moved on to other things -- and I mean to do exactly that. And, if I was to speak truly, life is incredible! The wonder of it all fills my senses, so that I care very little if I must experience it more slowly or differently than I intended. There are joys and excellencies to be found in every condition in life. Some do provide a bit more of a chase than I'm used to, but I manage to catch at least one or two every day. Those few and frequent happinesses make the frustrations shrivel and return the song to my soul. With such pulls at my heartstrings, how can I keep from singing?

03 April 2010

A Friend Loveth at All Times

Beauty offers healing. I've been finding instances all over of the truth of this statement, and I keep feeling the delight of how it assists my own healing while providing me with an opportunity to serve.

It all began around November, when my family decided to do a "home made Christmas" this year. I was astounded by the creativity and skill exhibited by each member of my family, and I loved exploring my own imagination through the process of loving creation. Truly, I enjoyed it so greatly that I took up even more projects after the holidays ended: crochet, embroidery, sewing, and cooking began to adorn my days. There were a few cooking exploits that have attained a particular level of fame, for those who were able to participate in their consumption...

My most favorite part of these endeavors is the design process. Each new concept is designed specifically for someone, not just ars gratis artis. As I first conceive, then carry out each idea, my eagerness to give it grows and grows. Anticipating how my gift will be received fuels my desire to finish even the most grueling tasks, and makes every moment of work precious. How glad I am to have a mama who teaches me these little skills! They provide for me some of the highest excellencies this life affords, because they enable me to share in human love.