14 December 2009

New Definition

Looking over my shoulder, my young companion pointed out some letters she recognized on the page of my book. "LDS," she said. "What does that stand for?" I pondered for a moment, considering how malleable a child's mind is, and how I should help teach her rightly. I realized that I might be held accountable some day for my answer, so I gave my favorite: "Laugh Dance Sing!" She seemed delighted, and skipped around the room before heading to the kitchen for a delicious PBJ.

Nearly six years ago, at the dawn of this darling's life, I relinquished a long cultivated dream in favor of another one. I have been very satisfied in my choice, and even put my first dream so far from my mind that I hardly remembered it. I recently fulfilled my replacement dream, and planned a new vision for my life. My new path held exciting prospects for me, but I haven't been anxious to begin it. Then, a miracle happened! My heart's first dream returned, full of possibilities for its realization.

Suddenly, my heart seemed to sprout wings, and the joy of it bubbled up in giggley-giddishness. I danced around our front room, danced down the stairs, danced in my bedroom -- I even danced at the grocery store, simply because I couldn't help myself. Music has voiced my soul in kaleidoscopes of precious moments. As my fingers crawled over piano keys and pressed violin strings, I freed the melodies rejoicing within me; and I've scarcely ceased singing from that moment to this. It's been like finding myself after a long absence, and all the barriers to my inner smile had vanished in bursts of colored light and vibrant energy.

So, although "LDS" may possess other meanings, the bestest one is the giver of happyful gifts. I'm delighted to be able to laugh, dance and sing my way home each day in this crazy journey called life. Now, how about a PBJ?